Dario Favaretto, Founder – CEO & Project Manager of MULTI LEVEL Consulting, since 2011 has been leading the strategy and the operations of the company, the implementation of initiatives and the training growth of the future logistics leaders.

Since 2000 he has been dealing with commitment first of Distribution Logistics, then of Plant Logistics and shortly of the whole Supply Chain, with a strong innovative, computerized approach dictated by the management control. During his career, he has collaborated with hundreds of companies in the most different product and service sectors, trying to bring his approach of facilitation and result oriented to the customer.

He has held roles like Operations Coordinator, CIO, Logistics & Distribution Manager, Supply Chain Manager, both as employee and manager in the company, and as fractional and temporary manager integrated into the customer’s structure. Over time he has been dedicating himself to the continuous personal training, obtaining different international certifications (Blockchain Certificate Program, Lean Six Sigma Green belt, LSP method and materials, etc.), as well as that of his own environment, as a teacher and trainer in ITS Marco Polo Foundation in the TV and VE offices, doing his best in modules related to innovative logistics, automation, computerization, and lean. He has also been testimonial and adjunct professor in specific modules of university masters.

He also plays the role of mentor, consultant and business angel for innovative start-up approaching the market.

“During years I have fully understood the LOGISTICS – COMMERCIAL binomial to obtain the maximum customer satisfaction. I bring an historic cost center to be a profit center and a surplus value in the commercial transaction, starting from a sharing of know how and supported by management control.”

By providing his pragmatic and experiential professionalism over time, in November 2019 he received from Assologistica Cultura & Formazione, a special mention at the ”Logistics of the Year – 15^ Edition award for his “innovative training approach in the Logistics field”. A nationally and ad personam prize attributed to managers in the logistics sector and supply chain management, who have made innovation in different fields (Research & Development, Training, Sustainability, Multi-modality, IT, Logistics Real Estate, HR, etc,).

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